Riverside School

Riverside School

Riverside - learning to live life to the full
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Shakespeare Schools Festivals

 The Shakespeare Schools Festival 2024 was truly a remarkable event that left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. All the tickets sold by Riverside for the festival went to our charity Out & About, showing the generosity and community spirit of all involved. Riverside, only, had an incredible audience of  five rows of seats filled with parents and families who came to support the performers. Kat Raney, the dedicated school teacher and organiser, went above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of the festival, from the performances to the logistics, was flawless. On Friday, March 1st, parents from three different schools gathered to witness the incredible talent on display, and the resounding ovation at the end of the night spoke volumes about the high quality of the performances. It was truly a night to remember and a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.