Riverside School

Riverside School

Riverside - learning to live life to the full
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Pedro Porro Riverside School Visit 2023

Pedro Porro, a professional footballer from Tottenham Hotspur, recently visited Riverside School to share his football skills with the students. 

He was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students, and the excitement in the air was palpable. Pedro began by giving a motivational talk to the students about the importance of embracing hard work and dedication.  He explained how he had worked hard and made sacrifices throughout his career to become a professional footballer. He encouraged the students to never give up and to follow their dreams...

After his talk, Pedro took the students to the school hall to show them some of his skills. He showed them how to do a few tricks with the ball, and then took them through some basic drills. The students were amazed by Pedro's skills and enthusiasm and eager to learn more at the end of the session.

It was a fantastic experience for the students and teachers.